Our Story

Hatti & Giraffe started from a place of immense love and pride for the food Girija and Shrikar grew up eating while living in India. Recipes so treasured and delicious, it would be a shame not to share them with the world at large. Their mission is to keep these traditional foods from being forgotten and to celebrate them at every opportunity they get.  

Girija is a chartered accountant, helping global corporations in mergers and acquisitions by day and balancing ingredient proportions by night. Shrikar is an architect who worked for a German KlimaEngineering firm in New York before moving back to Mumbai to build this brand instead. Together, they bring their passion for food, corporate professionalism and personal quirks to the brand while focusing on quality, attention to detail and customer service.

As for the name, it’s simple — to date, Shrikar is lovingly called Hatti (an elephant) by his closest friends and Giraffe was a name given to Girija by her classmates in school. You’ll get it when you see them together.